
High Hurdles for Peace in the Mideast


Re “Lost Without a ‘Road Map,’ ” editorial, Dec. 24: The Times, again, calls for both Israel and the Palestinians to comply with the “road map” and stop obstructing peace efforts. The underlying problem, however, is not being addressed. Yasser Arafat still controls the Palestinian Authority, with the full support of the Palestinian street. He has no more intention of reaching a peace agreement with Israel than he did when he responded to then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak’s unprecedented offer of a Palestinian state in 96% of the West Bank and Gaza, including shared control of Jerusalem, by unleashing terrorism.

Arafat has proven to be unbending in his refusal to reach a negotiated settlement regardless of incentives or concessions. There is simply no one home on the Palestinian side with whom to negotiate and, until there is, every Israeli concession is proof that terrorism pays and is an incentive for its continuation.

Jeff Kandel

Los Angeles


Tragically for all, even our news and opinion coverage of the conflict in the Middle East is far too “pro-Israel” to do anyone much good. It is utterly foolish to keep ignoring and/or excusing Israel’s racist refusal to fully respect U.N. Resolution 194 from 1948, the Palestinian refugees’ inalienable right of return to live in peace. It is not evenhanded to forget to mention the fact that Israel’s occupation has been horrifically cruel and absolutely illegal according to international law -- and is 36 years old.


Leaning heavily on Israeli propaganda to translate the situation for us, we only end up arming and empowering Israel’s many crimes against humanity and the slow but sure ethnic cleansing of the Holy Land. Israel’s aggressive Jewish-only settlement policies, combined with its extensive state-sponsored terrorism against the Palestinians, combined with its many blatantly racist laws and walls, have inspired a great deal of poverty, despair and, yes, even unmitigated rage. The impoverished and persecuted Palestinians have already learned not to trust racist Israel. We should too.

Anne Selden Annab

Mechanicsburg, Pa.
