
Stewart Gets Slammed as Lay and Others Stay Free

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Re “Martha Stewart Found Guilty; Prison Likely,” March 6: I feel so much safer now that Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft’s Justice Department has been successful in getting that dangerous criminal Martha Stewart off the streets. When you have time, Mr. Ashcroft, could you consider slapping former Enron CEO Kenneth Lay on the wrists to ensure that justice is equal?

Richard C. Armendariz

Huntington Beach


Two words about Martha: Kenneth Lay. Plus, this guy does not even have a decent chicken pot pie recipe.

Joanne C. Murray

Santa Barbara


So, Stewart has been convicted of lying to the federal government about a crime the federal government hasn’t charged her with committing.


Am I missing something?

Terrence Beasor

Santa Monica


I wonder how many people would not sell a stock if their broker called and said, “Hey, I just heard from down the pipeline that this security is going to drop like a rock. You’d better sell.” Let he who would not jump ship cast the first stone -- or maybe they need to see Mel Gibson’s film “The Passion of the Christ.”

Arthur Senzy

Santa Monica


One of the jurors in the Stewart trial is quoted in your story as saying the guilty verdicts were “a victory for the little guys.” In my opinion, that statement should be sufficient to have the verdicts thrown out. Sounds like “get even-ism” to me. Truth is, it’s the little guys who have invested money in Stewart’s company who potentially will lose their savings.

Moreover, it’s entrepreneurs like Stewart who build companies that create jobs and employ the little guys. Also, other companies that make products with the Martha Stewart name on them employ so-called little guys. All these little guys will potentially lose their jobs in the wake of the guilty verdicts.


Our society seems determined to destroy the very people, like Martha Stewart and Bill Gates, who create the jobs in this country. It’s the little guys and the entrepreneurs, working hand in hand, who make our economy robust and prosperous; we’re all in it together.

Donald Herbert



Stewart is found guilty of conspiracy and obstruction of justice because she tried to cover up what, in essence, was a misdemeanor. So, when will we see George W. Bush in the dock for his own crony capitalist crime? Harken Energy Corp.’s sham sale in 1989 of its own Aloha Petroleum subsidiary propped up Harken’s share value long enough for Bush to cash out $848,560 (not disclosing the sale to the SEC until later). The remaining stockholders’ shares eventually bottomed out at 22 cents a share. Enron writ small?

Michael Fawcett

Los Osos


Overkill! Janet Jackson’s breast, Mel Gibson’s “Passion” and now crucifying Stewart. Yes, she lied, but why prison? She should be heavily fined, do serious community service and spread potpourri to poor neighborhoods.


Lois Haytin

Los Angeles
