
Iraq policy at a crossroad

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Re “Time to leave Iraq,” editorial, May 6

We may not have “lost” Iraq, and our key goals there may have been accomplished, yet by the stated goals of the administration -- eliminating Al Qaeda through a long war on terror and establishing stable democracies -- we have not won and can never win. The administration continues to violate its duty to tell the truth about Iraq and fails to provide the transparency integral to democracy, just as it claims to be spreading democracy. Given the vast failures and violations of the truth, the United States has in fact lost much: our credibility, our integrity, our reputation and our ability to be proud of our democracy.

The only way to get it back is not only to leave Iraq but to hold accountable through impeachment and incarceration the leaders who have committed such high crimes against democracy.


Los Alamitos



Although I am a liberal Democrat, I disagree that we can leave Iraq now or even years into the future.

Let me explain up front that the invasion of Iraq was probably the worst blunder ever made by a U.S. president. However, the quagmire into which the Bush administration has placed this nation cannot easily be undone.


We made a complete mess, and now we have to live with it, perhaps for five or more years until we can leave with some type of repair for Iraq and some type of honor for the U.S.

Yes, this will cost us thousands more American lives and billions more dollars. Our country will forever remember the total mess caused by George Bush.


Corona del Mar



The editorial suggests that the U.S. has no constructive role to play in the Iraqi civil war and, accordingly, it should withdraw its armed forces. How soon we forget. There was no civil war going on when the United States invaded Iraq. After deposing Saddam Hussein and the Baathists, the balance of power completely shifted, resulting in big-time sectarian payback. None of this was contemplated by the Bush administration and the Pentagon.

To suggest that we have no place in a civil war that we created is the worst kind of cynicism. If the international reputation of the U.S. is damaged now, I can only imagine how we will be regarded after we leave Iraqis to slaughter one another unencumbered.


Rancho Mirage


The Times recommends having all combat troops out of Iraq by the end of 2009. That’s more than 120 weeks away. At 25 casualties per week, that’s more than 3,000 dead soldiers. At what point do you think our non-robotic soldiers will say “no more”?



Newbury Park
