
Gloria Cain launches ‘Women for Herman Cain’

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Washington Bureau

As Herman Cain heads home for his first face-to-face meeting with wife Gloria since he was accused earlier this week of a 13-year extramarital affair, his campaign has launched “Women for Herman Cain,” an “online national fellowship of women dedicated to helping elect Herman Cain.”

The new Web page, which appears to have been added to Cain’s campaign website late last night, offers a forum for people to voice their support for the Republican presidential hopeful. Gloria, Cain’s wife of 43 years, is listed as the national chairwoman.

Messages from about four dozen supporters have been posted to the page since late Thursday night.


“Dear Mrs. Cain, Don’t pay attention to these pathetic husband-less women who are jealous of women like you in happy long-term marriages,” wrote one supporter from California, according to the New York Daily News, which first reported of the new page. “These vindictive women can’t find a husband or keep one.”

By Friday afternoon, that posting had disappeared from the page, which is curated by the Cain campaign, according to the New York Daily News report.

Other comments offered encouragement for Gloria Cain and declared unwavering support for her husband.


“Mrs. Gloria Cain, Thank you so much for chairing this group!,” wrote Debra O’Beirne of Herndon, Va. “I am so tired of hearing the media proclaim what I, as a woman, think. I appreciate this opportunity to express my unwavering support for Herman Cain for president!”

Angela Schudy of Nixa, Mo., wrote: “I cannot believe you had time for an affair…I believe these ‘women’ are looking for money and attention and have been groomed by the ‘Demonacrats’ to be a bunch of bad actress’ [sic].”

Cain on Thursday admitted to making payments to Ginger White, the Atlanta woman who claims she and Cain had a 13-year affair.


In an interview with the New Hampshire Union Leader, Cain said the relationship was a friendship and that he helped White with “month-to-month bills and expenses.” His wife was unaware of his friendship with White until White went public with the allegation of the affair, Cain said.

White apologized to Cain’s wife and children Thursday in an appearance on MSNBC, but insisted that the relationship was sexual.

“It wasn’t a love affair,” she said. “It was a sexual affair.”
