
Romney on Obama: ‘Talk is cheap’

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BEDFORD HEIGHTS, Ohio -- Foreshadowing what is likely to be a central attack in next week’s presidential debate, Mitt Romney said Wednesday that President Obama has failed to lead an economic recovery and that he will not be able to paper over his record with his oratorical skills.

“A lot of people can talk. Talk is cheap,” Romney told thousands of people gathered at a wire manufacturer. “You can be extraordinarily eloquent and describe all the wonderful things you can do, but when you cut through the words you can look at the record, and when you can see policies that have not created the jobs America needs, then you know it’s time to choose a new leader, get a new coach, get America growing again.”

Romney spent the day campaigning throughout Ohio, a critical state for his presidential aspirations but one where polling shows that he is losing ground. Focusing on the economy, international trade, jobs training and manufacturing, Romney said that while Obama may be well-intentioned, he doesn’t know what he’s doing.


PHOTOS: Mitt Romney on the campaign trail

“I think the president loves America; I love America. I think the president cares about the people of America; I care about all the people in America,” Romney said. “But I know how to help the people of America and make sure our future’s bright and prosperous for our kids and protect liberty and he does not. I know what it takes.”

He reiterated that he would crack down on China for unfair trade practices that have led to American manufacturers shutting down factories and laying off workers.


“That is why one thing I will do from Day One is label China a currency manipulator,” he said. “They must not steal jobs in an unfair way.”

He made the comment while holding a business roundtable at a firm that benefited from actions the Obama administration’s Commerce Department took against China firms in a trade case, CNN reported.

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Romney also pledged to take the $18 billion the federal government spends on workforce training programs and send it to the states so they can tailor the programs to fit their needs, as well as the creation of personal re-employment accounts.

Romney appeared alongside several local business owners and Mike Rowe, the host of the reality television show “Dirty Jobs.”

“He’s a guy who has made a name for himself by doing things other people don’t want to do, really ugly dirty jobs like standing with a politician,” Romney said, before noting that Rowe was present because of his interest in job training and was not endorsing him.

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