
Bresnahan’s take: Kurt Rambis makes it interesting

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Mike Bresnahan covers the Lakers for The Times and ties up loose ends on the day of his self-designated “Game of the week.” The Lakers play tonight against Minnesota.

First, an explanation.

I know, I know. Lakers-Timberwolves is the game of the week?

The opponents are pretty weak this week — Golden State on Monday, Sacramento on Tuesday and Minnesota tonight — so why choose the Timberwolves?

The Kurt Rambis factor.

Few people know the Lakers better than Rambis, who was hired by the Timberwolves last August after 10 seasons as a Lakers assistant.

The Minnesota coach made his old team work hard for a 104-92 victory in December, packing the lane and daring the Lakers to score from outside, which they did…eventually…sort of.

That’s why I’m thinking tonight’s game will be close. Besides, this is the Lakers. They don’t blow anybody out.

Q&A of the day

Q: You must be getting a pot full of emails asking what is wrong with our Lakers. Will they win the championship?

From outside the forest and inside the jungle in Costa Rica my humble and guarded observations are I have not a clue what is wrong. From 11 degrees above the equator and as a guy who will go sailing this weekend in the warm Pacific water, my limited opinion is this: the Lakers are the Lakers and it is up to grown, professional adults to win or lose however they want.

John Holtz, San Jose, Costs Rica

A: I’m going to answer your question with a question. Why would you ever care if the Lakers win a championship? You live in Costa Rica! You know, paradise? You should never have a worry in your life. Ever!

Final thought

Record in weekly picks: 8-11

I allowed myself to be swayed by a dismayed fan last week, bowing to the pressure of possibly becoming a “scapegoat” or being thrust into “Salem witch trials” if I didn’t pick Phoenix last week. I won’t let it happen again.

I’m taking a huge stand here. And I mean huge. I’m taking the (heavily favored) Lakers tonight.
