
Football: City Section still needs to get a clue


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The City Section is making some progress in fixing some of its inane rules, but here’s one that could prove costly next week: the inability of teams to practice on holidays.

That’s not the case in the Southern Section, which will allow its teams to practice on Labor Day on Monday. That means Southern Section teams will have had 25% more practice time than their City counterparts in intersectional games Friday.


‘The City Section is working to try to get on par with those things,’ said Carson Coach Mike Christensen, whose team struck a blow for the City when it pulled out a 14-2 victory over Southern Section power Mater Dei on Friday.

The City no longer will allow its championship game to end in a tie, and it changed the arcane overtime rule that had each team start drives on the 10-yard line. Now it’s time for officials to give their teams equal footing with its Southern Section counterparts when it comes to practicing on holidays.

--Ben Bolch
