
Football: Neuheisel gets it done in Loyola’s opener


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Loyola may not need big numbers from No. 12 this season as long as it has the one-two punch of Anthony Barr and Jared Baker.

The running backs combined for 236 rushing yards Friday night during Loyola’s 28-18 victory over Mira Costa.

Jerry Neuheisel? The numbers weren’t pretty for the junior quarterback in his varsity debut, but he never got rattled when things got tough in the fourth quarter. He finished the game completing five of 12 passes for 52 yards with an interception.


‘I wasn’t too sure how he would perform in his first varsity game, but he showed me that he could play,’ Barr said of Neuheisel. ‘He took control of the game and I’m proud of him.’

Neuheisel showed a veteran’s poise in the fourth quarter when he connected with Nate Bellamy for a 13-yard completion on fourth and 11 from the Mira Costa 31 yard-line. Four plays later, Barr lunged into the end zone from two yards out for the touchdown that put the game out of reach.

Neuheisel’s performance pleased Loyola Coach Jeff Kearin.

‘He has a great understanding of what we’re trying to do and how we’re trying to manipulate the defense,’ Kearin said. ‘He’s a coach’s son, there’s no question. He has a very calming influence out there.’

--Ben Bolch
