
If you receive a packet of $100...

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If you receive a packet of $100 bills in the mail from Inglewood, Calif., don’t try spending it. The bills probably are counterfeit. That was the message from the U.S. Secret Service after several residents of the Orlando, Fla., area reported receiving plain brown envelopes containing from $300 to $1,500 in phony century notes. No one knows who sent them from a post office in the Los Angeles suburb or how the names and addresses of the Florida recipients were selected. Each person who reported receiving the bills noticed that the notes had the same serial number, Secret Service Agent Don Stebbins said in Orlando. “This is real bizarre,” Stebbins said. “It could almost be viewed as a joke, except that if the recipients had passed the bills, knowing they were counterfeit, they could have found themselves in a lot of legal trouble.”
