
Local News in Brief : Finn Asks That Idea of Drug Court Be Studied

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City Councilman Howard Finn called Friday for a study on the feasibility of establishing a special court to handle only cases involving drug offenses.

His proposal was referred by the council to its Police, Fire and Public Safety Committee for consideration.

“A special court to handle all drug cases would ease the caseload of the regular court system and provide for increased effectiveness in handling drug-related cases,” said Finn, who represents the northeast San Fernando Valley.


He said that the new court could save time and money if, for example, narcotics officers, who are now required to appear as witnesses at courts scattered throughout the county, could go to one facility.

“The special drug court could be similar in operation to the special courts for traffic violations,” he said.

Last year, there were 4,860 court cases involving drug offenses in the City of Los Angeles, Finn said.
