
U.S. Soccer Club Opens Season Against Swiss

United Press International

The United States National soccer team begins its 1985 season with an exhibition against Switzerland’s National Team followed by World Cup-qualifying contests with Trinidad-Tobago and Costa Rica.

The Americans will take on the Swiss Feb. 8 in a warmup at the University of Tampa, U.S. Soccer Federation president Werner Fricker said.

Qualifying matches for the World Cup have been scheduled with Trididad-Tobago May 15 and 19 at U.S. sites not yet named. The games with Costa Rica will be held May 26 at San Jose, Costa Rica, and May 31 at a spot to be designated in the United States.


The four games comprise the second round of qualifying competition ultimately leading to the 1986 World Cup championship in Mexico.

The winner takes on the victors in two other second-round groups--Canada-Guatemala-Haiti and El Salvador-Honduras-Surinam--in series to be played between June 1 and Nov. 15.
