
‘Loss of Innocence’


I agree with the editorial printed on Jan. 20 (“The Loss of Innocence Is Painful Price To Pay”) concerning undercover police officers being sent onto school campuses to discontinue drug trafficking. School is where drug abuse is so often presented or forced upon the children. It is better to stop the problem ahead of time, before it’s too late for those involved.

It may not seem fair to the students, but it is for their own good. So many youths today are subjected to drugs, and if this method of action proves to be successful, I fully encourage it.

If there were more editorials about the problems of drugs on school campuses, maybe the parents of these children would open their eyes to the reality of what is going on in the schools. Instead of denying that the problem could exist with “their kids,” maybe they will start dealing with it. Police officers can’t solve this problem on their own; it has to be a communitywide effort. Parents should try to communicate and be open with their children, not only about drug abuse, but other aspects of their lives. Most kids just need to know that someone really cares about them, and who else can care more than their own parents?


Cherrylyn Willems

