
Many Tears Shed as Kidnaped Girl, 5, Rejoins Her Parents


Elvia Vasquez, a 5-year-old girl kidnaped three years ago from her parents during an outing in a Venice park, was reunited with her mother and father today in an emotional private meeting near Los Angeles International Airport.

The girl, who was found almost three weeks ago living in an Anchorage, Alaska, trailer with a California drifter, was “obviously nervous and expectant” when she was reunited with her parents, Javier and Juanita Vasquez, at the Crown Plaza Holiday Inn, said Richard Bretzing, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles office.

“She was very deeply emotional,” Bretzing said. “She embraced her mother. There were tears shed.”


Robert Altig, 58, who has been indicted in Alaska on charges of child sexual abuse and transporting a child across state lines for immoral purposes, claimed Elvia was his daughter and that her name was “Crystal Morgan.” Elvia’s true identity was not determined until Thursday. (Story, Part 2, Page 1.)
