
Perceived Goals in Redondo Vote

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Thank you for your article “Conservatives Clash in Mayoral Contest” (Feb. 3) by Paul Feldman. Both candidates know the importance of a healthy business community. However, it is a balance between business and residents’ interests that we strive for.

It is not surprising that Councilmen Goddard and Snow have been given the pro-business label by opponents. Last year, when two businessmen from North Redondo came before the council with a request that the Prospect-Flagler highway be put on the ballot, these two councilmen rescinded the termination order. In effect, they changed their votes to put the issue on the ballot and bypass the initiative process requiring several thousand signatures.

The Prospect-Flagler highway project was resoundingly defeated last November. Mayor Barbara Doerr opposed a highway through such a large residential area of Redondo. She also supported preserving some recreational and open space at the Aviation High School site, coexisting with development plans. According to the city manager’s projections, this area will become a model recreational site when plans are completed.


During Mayor Doerr’s four years in office, business has flourished. The $80-million South Bay Center is being completed, bringing some 2,000 jobs to the community. Revenues from the harbor area now provide a significant amount of the city’s budget. The business community continues to have the support of the citizens of Redondo.

It is refreshing to have an atmosphere at City Hall in which the public, with both business and residential concerns, is welcome. Mayor Doerr encourages such an atmosphere. Let’s not take it for granted.


Redondo Beach
