
No Room at Inn

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Compiled by BILL PEEPLES

The Nov. 25 Footloose in Innsbruck article by Beyer and Rabey extolled the virtues of the charming old Swarzer Adler Hotel in the Old City. Our experience at the Schwarzer Adler was less than charming when we spent three nights there last August. Last February we prepaid the three nights at $66.78 a night when we made our reservations. Yet when we arrived on their doorstep in August they had never heard of us. Fortunately, I had their most cordial letter to our travel agent in my hand, and they did give us a room. It was large and adequate, but it overlooked a busy intersection with a four-way stop sign.

When we checked out after three nights, our room turned out to be $100 a night, and we had to pay the difference. It was definitely not worth that amount, even though it is a charming old hotel with a marvelous dining room and menu. But I feel that we were taken. Is this a common practice in Europe? If so, travelers beware!


Dollar Dealing

Peter S. Greenberg’s article on finding lost items (Jan. 27) was of particular interest to me. I keep hoping that it applies to an object I lost last October. It was a small dark-colored cross on a gold chain, the chain given to me by my husband, the cross bequeathed to me by my mother, irreplaceable and of great sentimental value.


I lost the cross on Interstate 40 between Fort Smith, Ark., and Los Angeles. I think it was lost in Grants, N. M., because I remember hearing something break but thought it was a thread. . . . There is a reward for its return.

I believe a traveler might have picked it up. I hope that article will encourage anyone finding something to return it to the nearest motel or restaurant or police. It is terrible to lose a family heirloom.

JACQUELINE L. WILLIAMS Huntington Park Carefree Exposure

What else can be said to Jerry Hulse except a very sincere thank you for all the nice things he said about our new resort in Carefree, Ariz. (Jan 27). That article alone has infused a second wind into my staff, committing ourselves more than ever to this resort.


Jerry has indeed given us quite a standard to live up to, and we shall give our best effort.

RICHARD A. HOLTZMAN general manager

The Boulders Carefree, Ariz.

We thank Jerry Hulse for the beautiful coverage on Carefree, Ariz. Don Young and I are the proud owners of the Village Wood Smithy shop at 42 Easy St., which turns out the handmadfe clocks. We thank Jerry for the nice compliment.

DOROTHY YOUNG Carefree Ariz.

Jerry Hulse referred to the saguaro cactus as a tree. Saguaros, which have a life span of 175 to 200 years are indeed cacti. Hulse also referred to the area around Carefree as a “desert wasteland.” The desert surrounding Carefree is considered by botanists and tourists to be some of the most coveted property in southern Arizona. The air is cooler, drier and cleaner than nearby Phoenix or Scottsdale. And although rainfall is limited, there is enough surface and ground water to support abundantly lush plant and animal life.


DAYNA LYNN FRIED garden editor Arizona Republic Phoenix

Yosemite Memories

We could not resist writing to tell you how much we enjoyed Lee J. Soskin’s “Yosemite, Something to Pass On” (Feb. 3). We, too, have enjoyed Yosemite in all of its seasons, and have also traveled to Yosemite on all possible routes. The beautiful tribute to that majestic park brought tears to our eyes, we love it so!

One of the first sections of the Sunday Times that we read weekly is the Travel section, searching for a touch of a memory of someplace in the world we have visited. We are never disappointed. The Yosemite feature was a special treat because our last visit was in October, and we too experienced the fall colors and the wonderful deer in the valley. Thank you for a real treat.


Stewardess Identity

On Feb. 3 I had an article in the Travel section about England. My subject was knowledgeable Britishers and the places they enjoyed in their country. One of the interviews was with a stewardess, Katherine Hallernan. Unfortunately, her title was deleted. She flies as an in-flight attendant with British Airways.

JERRY PAYNE Laguna Beach
