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Richard Butwell, president of California State University, Dominguez Hills, revoked a new publications code that the student Senate adopted recently in an attempt to take control of the campus newspaper, Bull’s Eye. In a statement released before he departed for a tour of Indonesia with other community college educators last week, Butwell said the new code raised “numerous legal questions” which would have to be resolved before any changes could be made in the operation of the newspaper.

Student government leaders, asserting that they were the rightful publishers of the Bull’s Eye, said they drafted the code to establish standards for the publication and bring about improvements in the paper’s coverage of campus events. The editors said the student leaders, who have been criticized in Bull’s Eye articles, were imposing unconstitutional controls on the paper’s editorial policies.

Butwell said he had asked the California State University chancellor’s office in Sacramento to advise him on the legal aspects of the issue. He indicated he would take further steps to resolve the controversy after his return to the campus on March 13.
