
Times Series on CIA and <i> Contras</i>


I wish to congratulate The Times for its outstanding series on the CIA and the contras . After several weeks of being subjected to daily front-page barrages of Red-baiting and outrageous lies by President Reagan and Administration spokesmen, it was a tremendous relief to read an incisive piece of investigative reporting on Reagan’s so-called “freedom fighters.”

It is disturbing that this Administration is able to command so much media coverage for political maneuvers that are at best gross distortions of the facts, and at worst a deliberate attempt to sway public opinion by resorting to the Big Lie technique of shaping the news.


Canoga Park

Thanks for the excellently researched series on our country’s involvement in combating the Sandinista government. Those inheritors of the China Lobby philosophy of the ‘50s, enthusiastic involvement in Korea and Vietnam, and the destruction of democratic government in Chile, who find their patriotism best expressed at the end of American gun barrels, will, of course, not be convinced.


Many more of us whose pride in our country rests on demonstrating strength through uplift of the downtrodden appreciate factual articles and editorials such as we’ve learned to expect from The Times. Please carry on in that tradition.


Laguna Hills
