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Undercover city police working with state narcotics agents arrested 11 men and four juveniles in a two-day operation aimed at drug dealers in the Lockhaven neighborhood, near the Hollywood Park race track and the Forum. The state agents mingled with numerous people seeking to buy cocaine or marijuana on 102nd and 104th streets and in the Dixon-Darby area. When the agents, brought in because they were not known to local dealers, concluded a purchase, Inglewood detectives moved in to arrest the suspected peddlers.

Capt. Alex Augusta said the street sweeps by 25 officers on Friday and Saturday nights will be followed by others on a random basis. “The blatant way the peddlers operate on public streets is really intolerable,” he said. “We’re hoping that each time we bring them before a judge adds to their chances for a long prison term as repeat offenders.”
