
United Way

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As the volunteer board chairman of United Way, I believe it is important to say through your editorial page, “Congratulations, Los Angeles,” for the most successful United Way campaign in the history of the community!

Through the generosity of hundreds of thousands of individuals and more than 5,000 businesses that contributed to this year’s drive locally, we were able to exceed our goal of $77 million by raising nearly 8 million new dollars over last year’s accomplishment.

All of the people involved “gave in a United Way” and “through the United Way” to support 300 local human-care agencies, 14 major health organizations and 13 chapters of the American Red Cross in Los Angeles County.


All of us who live in Los Angeles owe a very special thank you to this year’s contributions and those who volunteered their time to make this drive such a success. It just goes to show that Los Angeles is indeed THE PLACE to live and work!


Chairman of the Board

United Way

Los Angeles
