
Two Historic Photographs Would Help in Geneva

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As the American and Soviet negotiators begin and continue their arms-reduction talks in Geneva, they should have before them at all times two historic photographs.

The first of these photographs shows former American Marines meeting with their Japanese counterparts on Iwo Jima to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the battle that took place on that island. The other photograph showed Gov. George Wallace of Alabama shaking hands with the Rev. Joseph Lowery as black leaders looked on smilingly. This photograph was taken to mark the 20th anniversary of the historic civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala., which led to the Voting Rights Act.

Who could have dreamed just a short 20 years after Wallace and Martin Luther King Jr. were engaged in a bitter racial struggle, that this photograph would be possible? Similarly, who could have believed that one day American and Japanese combatants who were mortal enemies would be embracing? These photographs are perhaps the most stark and telling evidence of the cruel tragedy and folly of war and racial strife.


If the arms negotiators on both sides will envision these photographs as they play their deadly numbers game of deciding what missiles shall remain in place and what missiles shall be removed, perhaps they will understand that folly. Their efforts may yet, lead to a realization of the prophet Isaiah’s dream, “. . . Nations shall not lift up sword against nation and neither shall they learn war anymore.” S. DELL SCOTT

Sherman Oaks
