
Placentia : City Council Approves Four Fee Changes

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Bounced checks will no longer be free in Placentia.

City Council members gave the nod Tuesday to an ordinance that will tag a $10 fee to any bounced check received by the city. The new charge is one of four fee changes that council members approved on first reading and will vote on again April 16.

One of the changes would establish a new $300 “development agreement process” fee for developers who want to strike a deal with the city. For instance, said Deputy City Clerk Betty Wallis, a developer who sought a reduction in zoning standards was granted permission to build under code in return for the development of low-income housing, she explained.

The ordinance also would:

Set the price of microfilm copies at $1 for the first page and 75 cents for each additional page, compared with the current charge of $1 per page;


Increase the hotel and motel tax from 6% to 10%--despite the absence of any hotel or motel in the city.
