
House Panel Plans Extensive Study of Social Security

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Associated Press

A House subcommittee chairman said Wednesday that he plans an extensive series of hearings into the quality of service rendered to the public by the Social Security Administration.

Rep. James R. Jones (D-Okla.) said: “We intend to investigate a broad range of administrative issues, including the implementation of the Social Security Disability Reform Amendments of 1984, the proposal to make the Social Security Administration an independent federal agency, the proposal to accelerate the current law provisions for taking Social Security out of the unified budget and others.”

Jones made his remarks as his Social Security subcommittee, a unit of the House Ways and Means Committee, took up proposals in President Reagan’s budget for a 20% reduction in the staff of the agency by 1990, which would mean the elimination of about 17,000 jobs.


Jones said the quality, cost and efficiency of service provided by the Social Security agency prompted the hearing.
