
School Candidate Gets Flak for Reagan Flyer

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Times Staff Writer

The first controversy over direct-mail advertising in the race for the West San Fernando Valley seat on the Los Angeles school board erupted Thursday when Carie Vacar, one of seven candidates, charged fellow candidate David Armor with misrepresenting President Reagan’s involvement in the local election.

At issue is an eight-page Armor mailer that features a photograph of Armor talking with Reagan underneath the headline, “On April 9, choose the candidate President Reagan has chosen to restore quality education to our schools.”

Vacar charged that the flyer gives the impression that Reagan has made an endorsement in the race for the seat, which is being vacated by Tom Bartman.


“President Reagan has no involvement in this race whatsoever,” Vacar said. “It is reprehensible for Armor to mislead the public into thinking the President has endorsed him.”

Appointed to Panel

Beneath the photograph of Armor and Reagan is a three-paragraph text stating that Reagan appointed Armor to the National Council on Educational Research. This group makes policy recommendations to the U.S. Department of Education.

The written text ends with the statement, “Thoughtful Valley voters are deciding that on Election Day, President Reagan’s choice will be their choice too.”


Armor countered Vacar’s charges by saying that in direct mail politicking “you have to go with your strengths.” He added that there is no statement in the eight-page flyer that Reagan has endorsed Armor for the school board.

“She hasn’t raised any money and is trying to use the press to win the campaign for her,” Armor said of Vacar.

Armor said he plans to continue mailing the flyer to voters before Tuesday’s election.
