
Civil Defense Budget Cut

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According to Greene, we should be outraged over OMB’s decision to cut back on funding for civil defense in the event of a nuclear attack.

Granted that nuclear attacks, like anything else in life, could come in all shapes and sizes--and wouldn’t it be nice if we could be prepared to defend against any and all types of attacks? But who among us is wise enough to prescribe the optimal defense? It begs the oft-asked question, how much is enough?

It would make infinitely more sense to fund the type of shelters referred to by Nora Chavez in a letter on the same page, shelters for the homeless.


If the “nuclear winter” data is at all relevant, even a small-scale nuclear attack would convert fallout shelters into temples of doom. It would appear that the OMB is paying attention to the latest scientific findings and Greene has chosen to ignore them.


Huntington Beach
