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Over and over again in the quotes from theater operators in Isenberg’s article was a glaring and myopic prejudice toward “West Coast Premieres” of New York successes.

In all their talk about bidding against each other for such plays and musicals, these producers who claim to support and nourish L.A.’s theater scene continually failed to pay attention to the huge pool of highly talented playwrights, composers and lyricists who live and work in Los Angeles. Dramatic writing exists along side of and often in the shadow of the Hollywood industry, but its quality is truly world class.

Do not lament empty theaters. Lament the limited vision of producers and companies who feel that audiences will only go out of their homes for a New York smash import. Perhaps they don’t pay $35 for a local original, but there are plenty of theater lovers who can’t afford “Cats” and are tired of PBS.



The Dramatists Guild

Los Angeles
