
Supervisor Harriett Wieder’s Trip to South Africa

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I am dismayed and disgusted by the behavior of Orange County Supervisor Harriett Wieder. I find it shocking that Wieder, as an elected official in our democracy, would accept a 19-day, all-expense-paid junket from a government founded upon the principles of racial separatism and discrimination.

Her justification that other countries, like Israel, offer similar junkets evades the issue and is an outrage. Not only Israelis, but citizens of all democratic societies should be offended at being placed on a par with an outlaw country like South Africa.

I can also not believe Wieder’s self-styled ignorance of South Africa prior to her trip. And this elected American official saw no reason to meet with Archbishop Tutu:


I do not agree that the game of international politics should be played by local government officials. But here is Wieder the Diplomat, undaunted by her own ignorance, or considerations of human rights, telling us that American investments should remain in South Africa. I say that the citizens of Orange County should hold her accountable for her position on South Africa.

Wieder gives lip service to human rights while at the same time saying that the country is “in transition.” Are we to suppose that because South Africa is “in transition” anything that government does is tolerable?

I think we are in a great deal of trouble indeed when foreign governments like South Africa can reach into our local communities and put politicians like Harriett Wieder in their hip pocket.



