
Successor Named as Dam Resigns From State Dept.

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United Press International

Secretary of State George P. Shultz announced the resignation Thursday of Kenneth W. Dam as deputy secretary of state and said President Reagan will nominate investment banker John Whitehead as Dam’s successor in the $75,100-a-year post.

Shultz said he was announcing Dam’s departure “with a sense of real loss,” calling him “one of the great public servants around.”

Dam, 52, a former provost of the University of Chicago who has worked with Shultz inside and outside government, resigned after 2 1/2 years in the post to become a vice president of International Business Machines Corp.


Whitehead, 63, retired recently as senior partner and co-chairman of the New York investment banking firm of Goldman Sachs & Co.

The deputy secretary is involved in the entire range of department operations and is in charge when the secretary is out of town.
