
San Ysidro Courage

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I wish to express my praise for the survivors, the victims’ families, friends and sympathizers of the tragedy in San Ysidro for their courageous position and actions in thwarting the exploitation of that infamous event.

In contrast, compare this to the ones who for nearly half a century have fed on daily menus of TV mini-series, statues, memorials, so-called “educational” presentations in our public schools and on and on ad infinitum perpetuating the Holocaust of World War II. Perhaps it poses the question: “Are they forever feeding on the exploitation of past human miseries?” There have been numerous holocausts in past history, and even as you are reading this, somewhere on our planet similar events occur.

Yes, human events much too often are tragic--and yet they are an element, though undesirable, in the course of the human experience. Continual perpetuation only results in eventual psychological and physiological human destruction. Logic and past history witness that there can be no redemptive human value by continual reminders of past tragedies.


San Ysidrans do not wish to be reminded of their recent tragedy and rightly so--their actions, in my opinion, are the acme of human endeavor for the making of a better and happier society.


