
Irvine : African Hunger Drive Slated at UC Campus

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Hunger in Africa is the cause behind an upcoming drive to raise at least $10,000 a month in pledges from UC Irvine students. On Tuesday, the campus will open the campaign with a “Hunger Forum,” which the organizers vow to continue until starvation in Africa is wiped out.

Beginning at noon, three guest speakers will lecture in the University Center’s Heritage Room. State Sen. John Garamendi (D-Stockton) will be the lead speaker with a talk on what he saw on a recent trip to some of Africa’s famine-stricken areas. Garamendi is a former Peace Corps volunteer in Ethiopia.

Later, Michael Burton, UCI anthropology professor who has done field research in Kenya, will speak about the effects of colonialism and economic development on traditional African food production. Howard Lenhoff, a biology professor, will talk about efforts to relocate the Ethiopia’s black Falasha Jews to Israel.


Johannes Van Vugt, a UCI graduate student who has already helped to raise more than $100,000 for famine relief, said the drive will continue as long money is needed, he said.

Van Vugt said that unless dramatic progress is made against famine in Africa, Americans may become desensitized to the problem, after viewing it on television night after night. “We need a concerted effort for a few years,” he said. “We’re mobilizing for a war on hunger.”

Donations may be sent to Corinne Hansen-Belotti of the UCI Associated Students. Pledges will be forwarded to the charitable organizations designated by the donors, Van Vugt said.


So far, participating charities include World Vision, Oxfam America, UNICEF, Catholic Relief Services, Lutheran World Relief, CARE, Church World Services, Interaction, Save the Children, and Black Response to the African Crisis. The fund drive is sponsored by the university and the UCI School of Social Sciences.

For further information, call 856-5547.
