
Comparing Teen-Agers to Dogs

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Al Martinez’s column comparing teen-agers with dogs (April 15) was an unfair portrait of teen-agers.

He says that if dogs could be taught to walk upright and teen-agers could be taught not to chase cars, there would be no difference between the two. Perhaps he finds this comparison funny, maybe even true. I, being a teen-ager of 16 years, do not find it funny or true.

As a matter of fact, I find it insulting and biased. It makes me angry that he and others like him take the view that teen-agers are immature, bratty, un-law-abiding and a general menace to society. If you only look at newspaper articles, this would certainly seem the case, however, this is akin to looking at the accident statistics and concluding that everyone who drives drinks!


Who is he to say that we are just a bunch of dirty, rotten kids and are unable to sin quietly? He and all those other people out there who take the view were teen-agers too, and look what fine, law-abiding citizens they all turned out to be!


North Hollywood
