
Spring Fever Means Misery for Millions With Allergies

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United Press International

Snow-weary Northerners may welcome the first weeks of spring, but for 14 million Americans this time of year also marks the beginning of hay fever season.

Although allergies may be unavoidable, there are some dos and don’ts that can help lessen the aggravation.

The American Academy of Allergy and Immunology recommends avoiding strenuous exercise or jogging in the early morning because the causes of springtime allergies are most numerous at that time. Pollen and seeds are released between 5 and 10 a.m.


Keeping windows closed at night will also keep many of the allergens from entering the home.

Outdoor activities should be kept to a minimum. Mowing or raking lawns will spread the allergens and make symptoms more acute. Leaving clothes and sheets hanging out to dry also is not a good idea because the pollen will stick to them.

An enjoyable alternative to the runny eyes and sniffles is going on vacation during the months when the allergens are in full force.


Rich Man’s Disease

“Years ago, hay fever was considered the rich man’s disease because people always went to Europe or on a cruise during the hay fever season,” said Dr. Roger Hirsch, associate clinical professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin. “Patients changing climates to where the ragweed or pollen count is lower is always good therapy.”

For the allergy-stricken who cannot afford a European vacation, several states offer a bit of a reprieve.

A study by Abbott Laboratories showed that the farther west one goes, the less pollen there is to worry about.


Half of Washington, Oregon and California are pollen- and ragweed-free, the study indicates. The northern tip of Maine and the southern tip of Florida are also without pollen.

West Is Safest

Most Western states have small pollen counts, but allergy sufferers should stay away from the entire central section of the United States, the Abbott study indicated.

Pollen, along with dust, animals and mold are common causes of allergic reactions, but most allergy sufferers will agree that ragweed is the biggest offender.

Ragweed is a common plant “that looks like a candelabra with green flowers,” Hirsch said.

It begins growing in July, is ready to pollinate by Aug. 1 and “really starts going about Aug. 15,” Hirsch said.

The trouble continues until the first frost comes to wipe out the pollen and ragweed.

Life Threatening

“Many people seem to think, ‘Oh allergies, you can live with them,’ but some allergies can be life threatening,” said Sandy Koehler, public affairs director for the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology.

As many as 40 persons died last year from insect stings. People can become violently ill and even die from eating seafood, peanuts and other foods, Koehler said.


Much of the information about developments in allergy research is released through the organization’s 3,700 members.
