
‘Sex in Movies’

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I would like to add my vote to that of Rebecca Hartenbaum (Letters, May 1), “Sex in Movies.” I wholeheartedly agree with her statement that sex and gore are being promoted to our children, who are taught to believe that everyone is like the characters on the screen.

My own informal survey suggests that Gov. George Deukmejian, Hartenbaum and I are in the majority. I have yet to find an adult who wouldn’t prefer movies that don’t promote sex and gore.

As a parent of two teen-agers, my big frustration is that we have such a small voice compared with the movie makers whose movies are aimed right at the impressionable young people. There seems to be a rule that even the good movies have to have at least one scene showing the use of drugs or suggesting that a date always ends in bed.


How can we hope to guide our children morally when the big screen is encouraging them in the opposite direction?


