
West Holloywood

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The city and Los Angeles County have reached an agreement to transfer title of Plummer Park and West Hollywood Park to the city as of June 1. The city decided to take the parks one month ahead of the date when most county services will be transferred to West Hollywood.

The city will no longer have to pay rent to use offices in Plummer Park once it takes control.

The county charges West Hollywood $300 a day to use Hall A in Plummer Park as a temporary city hall. The charge is being levied because the city exceeded the May 15 expiration date of its lease. The city has paid about $2,100 in added rent because of delays in finding a permanent city hall.


City officials said that taking the parks now will also allow for better maintenance. They said the action will eliminate “a point of irritation” between the city and the county over the use of a public facility for city offices.
