
Beautification Efforts Applauded

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This is an open letter to Richard and Gitte Siionian, president and executive secretary of Eemus Mfg. Corp., 11111 Rush St., South El Monte.

I’ve been a resident of South El Monte since March, 1954, and for a long time have deeply desired the continual and total beautification and upgrading of our city. Many residents of South El Monte have felt as I do and this is why the enforcement of the present ordinance concerning the redoing of metal buildings in the city has been so important to us.

You cooperated with the city and redid your property in such a lovely way. You added onto your metal building, stuccoed over it, covered your roof, poured a cement driveway and parking area, and completed your tastefully remodeled building by planting lovely greenery around the front of your property. You may not realize this, but you are the delight of those of us who want all the metal buildings in the city upgraded with as much taste and style as you have used in redoing yours. We are so grateful for your cooperation and this letter is to express appreciation for this.


By redoing your metal building and property with such lovely style, you have greatly improved your property value. If all metal building owners in the city would cooperate as you have and redo their property with as much positive imagination, all property values in the city would be improved and the city would be measuralbly enhanced.

Many in the city feel as I do, so thanks again for your beautiful improvement and for “making our day.”


South El Monte
