
Buena Park : Council Stands by Ban on Rabbits, Fowl in City

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Residents with rabbits or fowl in the city have until August to get rid of them.

At a meeting attended by about 20 residents eager to keep their pets, City Council members decided Monday night that the rabbits and fowl must go in accordance with an ordinance passed in August, 1982. In that ordinance, residents were given three years to find a new home for their rabbits and fowl.

Some residents said Monday that the animals are pets, while others said they keep them for fresh eggs or to slaughter. Several said they have farms of 50 and 60 chickens.

“We are 97% developed. We are elbow to elbow--too many people crowded together,” said Rick Sowder, city zoning administrator.


In other business, the council set Nov. 5 as the date of a council election to fill three seats. The election will coincide with school district and perhaps the library district board of trustees elections, Deputy City Clerk Alcene Cain said.

Applicants for the seats of Councilmen Jess Davis, James T. Jarrell and Kenneth B. Jones can file their nomination, along with the signatures of 30 supporting residents, beginning July 15, Cain said.
