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After more than five years as a board member, Richard Goul has announced his resignation from the Cerritos Community College District Board of Trustees, effective July 15.

“I decided you can’t mix politics and journalism,” said Goul, a 27-year-old journalist.

Goul, who was elected to the seven-member board in November, 1979, said Monday he has decided to give up politics because politicians, “rightfully so, are partial to the people who elect them, and this can interfere with a reporter’s impartiality.”

More than two years remain of Goul’s term, which began in November, 1983.

By state law, the board has two options for filling his seat. It can appoint someone to fill the unexpired term or it can place the remaining term on the ballot for the Nov. 5 election. The seats of Hazel Scotto, Ada Steenhoek and Robert Epple will be up for election then.


Goul, who is studying journalism at Cerritos College and has a bachelor’s degree in political science from USC, said he plans to attend Loyola Law School in the fall to give his writing “a broader perspective.”

He has been a reporter for The Tidings, a Catholic weekly newspaper published in Los Angeles, for about three years.
