
Costa Mesa : City Council to Consider New Parking Ordinance

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An new ordinance designed to cut down on excess parking spaces at certain commercial developments will be considered by the City Council Monday night.

According to Doug Clark, development services director, office buildings larger than 100,000 square feet in size are required to provide four parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of floor space. Under the provisions of the new law to be considered Monday, the requirement would be lowered to three spaces.

In addition, he said, the ordinance would reduce the total number of parking spaces required for commercial developments which incorporate several different uses, such as offices, restaurants, theaters and retail shops sharing a single parking lot.


Because parking demands for different businesses peak at different times of the day, Clark said, the ordinance would allow mixed-use developments to share spaces, cutting down on the total number.

If approved Monday, the ordinance will come before the council for a final reading and vote July 1. If approved, the new law will go into effect 30 days later.
