
Orange : Trivia Game for Seniors Pays Off in Food, Fun

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Gray power proved to be the latest variation on the trivia craze, when more than 100 elderly people from throughout the county crowded into the main room of the Orange County Senior Citizens Community Center Monday to participate in a “golden-oldie” game show.

In teams of 20, the players, all 65 or older, shouted, yelped and laughed their way through an hour of competition for $5 grocery gift certificates from Ralphs. The topics ranged from 1930s automobiles to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.

“It’s a form of stimulation without medication,” said LaVerne Dean, of Santa Ana, who walked off with a board game version of the trivia pastime just for participating.


Joe Farago, an actor-turned-emcee from Redondo Beach, served as master of ceremonies while a former Miss America from Ohio, Laurel Lei Schaeffer, acted as scorekeeper and celebrity-in-residence.

“I was amazed at how sharp some of these people were,” Farago said.

“It’s wonderful to see them like this,” said Schaeffer. “More than anything else, people leave with a smile. And when you’re that age, any activity is better than inactivity.”

The grocery chain sponsored the game as one of several community projects arranged by its advertising and public relations departments, said Sam Masterson, advertising coordinator for Ralphs. He said the company plans to sponsor trivia programs in other communities.


The winning question?

What sport did Jack Armstrong, the 1930s radio hero of “All-American Boy” fame, play?

We all know the answer was football, right?
