
Wildlife Tips for Residents

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The Los Angeles Department of Animal Regulation offers these suggestions for residents who have trouble keeping wild animals out of gardens or off roofs and trees.

- Keep pet food inside--otherwise wildlife will come to depend on it.

Trim back creeping vines from the house to prevent raccoons and rats from having access to the roof and attic.

In hillside areas, erect fences or walls to keep deer out of the garden.

- Keep raccoons on the ground by placing aluminum sleeves around tree trunks.

- Feeding wild animals encourages them to congregate in particular neighborhoods, which may bother neighbors and quicken the spread of wildlife disease.


- Plant shrubbery distasteful to deer.

- Keep cats and small dogs safe at night. Screen holes to the house or garage to bar rats, squirrels and bats.

Also, walk-in traps that do not harm raccoons, opossums and other small animals are available at the West Los Angeles animal shelter, 11950 Missouri Ave. For assistance, call 820-2691.
