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I met my five readers On the street last night. They seemed so glad to see me I just smiled. And we talked about some old books And we got a little high. Still reading as the years go by. They’re not the kind of folks Who beg for autographs. They haven’t learned the Rocky Horror Show by heart. If you offer them a star map, They will think you mean the sky. Still reading as the years go by. Calendar Sunday, Show biz fun day, Suddenly comes a pall: Book Review may be Upsidedown. Will we find it at all? As we flip through the pages And the eggs get cold, We think of how it’s done In other towns. But we few, we blessed few, Our lifelong habit will not die. Still reading as the years go by. JACK MILES

Editor, The Book Review

(With apologies to Paul Simon. l985 Book Review. Book Review, Inc., S.A., GmbH., Los Angeles. Marca registrada. A Book Review song. A Book Review production. From a concept by John Russiano Miles, after a provocation by Craig Walker. “Book Review” is a registered trademark for Book Review. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws, if any.)

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