
Cuts Reported in FBI’s Budget to Fight Terror

Associated Press

The Reagan Administration turned down the FBI’s request for $10.6 million to beef up its counterterrorism program this year and last year, Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Tex.) said Saturday.

In a statement, Bentsen called the cuts “one of the most foolish things I’ve seen since I’ve been up here” and said he would introduce legislation to restore the money.

“Here you have terrorism on the increase around the world, and you know it’s going to increase in the United States, and we must fight it. Yet the (Office of Management and Budget), in the Administration, cut back by about $11 million on the money that was committed to fight terrorism. I’ve sources within the FBI that told me about this,” Bentsen said.


OMB spokesman Ed Dale said the agency does not discuss budget decisions, but said: “If that was so, all I know is the FBI didn’t appeal it.”

FBI spokesman Lane Bonner said the agency “supports the Administration’s efforts in our behalf for FY (fiscal year) 1985 and 1986.”

In a memorandum to Bentsen, Jim Currie of the Senate Intelligence Committee staff said the requested $10.65 million would have gone in part to provide an additional 191 agents and other personnel for expansion of hostage rescue teams, terrorism analysis and expanded terrorism task forces in Boston, Chicago, New York and Washington.
