
Costa Mesa : City Council to Vote on Oil Field Condominiums

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Plans to build a 160-unit condominium development on an 18th Street oil field will come before the City Council tonight.

The condominiums would be built on part of a 10.9-acre parcel, roughly one-third of which would remain an oil “tank farm” for another 14 years. Also, eight existing wells scattered within the 7.45 acres reserved for residential construction would continue to operate until the 14-year permit for oil operations expires.

When the project was approved by the Planning Commission on June 24, several conditions, including requirements that all oil and gas pipelines be equipped with automatic shut-off valves, were imposed on the developer, Costa Mesa-based Ocean Development Co.


Additionally, any re-drilling or other work could only be carried out during daylight hours and all oil wells would be screened to hide them from residents.

“This is our first project like this,” said associate planner Kathryn Lottes. “It’s rather unusual for Costa Mesa.”

Because the developer plans to finance the project with county-issued revenue bonds, the city requires that the condominiums be rental for at least 10 years to abide by county requirements, Lottes said. The developer would also be required to set aside 20% as so-called “affordable” housing. If the project is approved by at the meeting, scheduled for 6:30 p.m in council chambers, construction could begin within a few months, Lottes said.
