
Dana Moves for Reinstatement of Malibu Plan

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County Supervisor Deane Dana, angered by a recent California Coastal Commission rejection of the county’s proposal for long-term development in Malibu, has asked the county counsel and the Regional Planning Department to suggest action the county could take to reinstate the proposal.

Dana said the commission’s vote, which amended the Malibu Coastal Plan to include less growth than had been proposed by the county, “wiped out eight years of thorough planning effort in Malibu.” His motion was backed by Supervisor Mike Antonovich, who said homeowners’ groups in Malibu have persuaded the commission to follow a “no-growth” policy.

“They already have their homes . . . and are now saying others should be required to stand in line,” Antonovich said. Dana’s motion was approved on a 4-0 vote, with Supervisor Pete Schabarum absent.
