
Politicization of Supreme Court

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This letter is from a registered Republican and one who is a strong supporter of the death penalty in California.

Chief Justice Bird has consistently delivered opinions and dissents that are in opposition to my principles.

Nevertheless, while I have heard many words and expletives directed at Bird, I have never heard anyone use the word stupid .

Because stupid does not apply, Bird’s latest dissent in a death penalty case must be analyzed. In the light of all the political furor directed at Bird’s removal from office, she had to have known what the political consequences of that dissent would be. By rendering it, she literally voted herself out of office.


My only conclusion can be that she put her personal morality in interpreting the law ahead of political expediency in this dissent.

It is my considered judgment that I and the other citizens of California will be better served by a jurist who puts morality ahead of political expediency.

Therefore, Ms. Bird, although your opinions frequently upset and incense me, I salute you. In fact, I see no moral choice but to support you.



Studio City
