
Fullerton : Hearing Set Today on Convalescent Homes

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A proposed amendment to the city zoning ordinance that would allow convalescent homes to be built in all zones with a conditional use permit will be the subject of a public hearing before the City Planning Commission today.

The amendment is an effort to “seek control” of convalescent homes, including so-called “board-and-care” homes, which Assistant Planner Ted Commerdinger said are springing up throughout Orange County with increasing frequency.

Such facilities are now permitted only in high-density residential zones. The amendment would permit the homes to be built in all zones except areas designated for mobile homes, Commerdinger said.


However, anyone seeking to operate such a facility would first be required to apply for a conditional use permit. Applications, which cost $600, would be considered on a case-by-case basis and are subject to a public hearing, Commerdinger said.

‘We’re not out to open the floodgates on rest homes. What this actually means is we’re seeking some control over them. This way, we can evaluate whether they fit in with surrounding neighborhoods and other factors.”

So far, he said the city is involved in discussions with only one such convalescent facility. But, he added: “There is a whole new market opening for that kind of clientele and we’re trying to accommodate it.”


Barbara Sanders, a county social worker who makes housing referrals for the elderly, said there were 12 board-and-care facilities in Fullerton as of last March 29. There are an estimated 200 such facilities throughout Orange County, but even when unlicensed facilities are added to that list “there is still a definite need for more,” she said.

The commission hearing will be at 4 p.m. in the City Council chambers, 303 W. Commonwealth Ave.
