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The Boys’ and Girls Club of Escondido will continue to limit its daily attendance to 154 youngsters for about another month while an executive committee studies the clubs finances to determine whether more adult staff members can be hired, the club’s board of directors decided Monday night.

The club was cited earlier this month by the state Department of Social Services for operating day care for more than the 154 permitted by the state. More than 250 youngsters used the club on some days.

Police Chief Jim Connole, the board’s president, said the club will submit an application with the state to handle up to 270 youngsters. To be resolved, however, is whether the club can afford to hire enough adult teachers and aides to qualify for that many children, Connole said.


At an Aug. 22 meeting, the board of directors will discuss whether programs will have to be cut, or fees raised, to pay for the additional staff, Connole said.

“We’re reluctant to raise the fees ($30 a week for all-day care) because the very kids we’re trying to reach and help are the ones who can least afford to pay high fees,” Connole said.
