
U.S. Warns Its Reprisals Will Match Losses

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Associated Press

The Reagan Administration today issued yet another warning to terrorists and governments that support them, saying its response “will be proportionate to the losses incurred” if Americans are attacked as they were recently in El Salvador.

Asked about a New York Times report that the Administration had considered attacking a Nicaraguan training base in retaliation for the murder of six Americans in El Salvador last month, White House spokesman Larry Speakes said he would not comment specifically on the story, which was similar to others published earlier elsewhere.

But “the United States will not tolerate terrorist actions against our citizens,” Speakes said. “We will be prepared to take steps.”


Policy Outlined

“We have outlined in firm tones our policy on attacking terrorist centers or those responsible for terrorist attacks,” Speakes told reporters. “That policy remains. The governments responsible understand that. We will take appropriate action.

“The level of our response,” the spokesman added, “will be proportionate to the losses incurred. Those that perpetrate such incidents, or governments that support state-sponsored terrorism, are on notice.”

Asked if his use of the term “proportionate response” indicates the United States would avenge “an eye for an eye, a life for a life,” Speakes said, “We’ll make those judgments at the time.”


Asked when the United States might act, he replied, “Wait and see.”

The Administration has been warning of its intention to retaliate against terrorism since President Reagan took office in January, 1981, when he pledged “swift and effective retribution” against those who violate international standards of behavior.
