
South Pasadena

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Residents who complained to the City Council last week about the quality and cost of their repaired sidewalks will get the substandard work replaced for free, said Public Works Director Patrick Lang.

The city has the authority to make necessary sidewalk repairs and then bill individual homeowners for work on their property, Lang said.

Residents complained last week that the job cost more than had been estimated and that workers left broken sprinkler valves and uneven score marks and replaced soil with a sand-based mixture, he said.


Lang said that he had told residents that there was no way to predict the cost of the repairs, but said that when pressed, he had told them that the project might cost between $3.50 and $4.50 a square foot.

Damon Construction Co. of South Gate was the lowest of two bidders with a price of $5.51 a square foot, he said.

Repairs at 63 residences will be reviewed and any additional work will be done for free, said Bob Gomez, general manager of Damon Construction Co.
