
Santa Monica

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The City Council adopted a resolution stating its intention to change the procedure for demolishing commercial and industrial buildings in the city. The Planning Commission will review the demolition issue in the next 40 days and make a recommendation to the City Council.

Council members asked the staff to prepare a report on the demolition procedures in January because they said city policy makes it too difficult for owners to demolish their buildings. Council members said that they had noticed many abandoned, run-down and unsafe buildings in the city.

According to the city staff, there are 44 vacant buildings in the city: 22 single-family homes, 15 multifamily homes and 7 commercial structures.


The council recommended that demolitions be allowed if the rent control board has granted a removal permit, the planning director has issued a permit for a replacement project and the building officer has deemed the building a nuisance, the planning director and building officer have approved a property maintenance plan, and any new development conforms to the general plan.

The council also asked the staff to prepare a report in 75 days on the impact of the new demolition procedures on any landmark commercial or industrial buildings.
