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A Superior Court judge has dismissed the last remaining perjury charge against Henry Wilson, a former maintenance and operations director for the Compton Unified School District. Wilson and two other employees, accused last year of misusing school property, now have seen all charges against them dropped for various legal reasons.

In the most recent action, Superior Court Judge Michael Berg threw out Wilson’s perjury charge because a deposition question he had allegedly answered with a lie was “ambiguous,” said Deputy Dist. Atty. Richard Healey. Therefore, Wilson’s “answer could not be deemed absolutely false,” which is the required legal standard, Healey explained this week.

Earlier this year, another judge dismissed a separate perjury charge and a charge of grand theft against Wilson. Because of insufficient evidence, a similar theft charge against former masonry supervisor Willie D. Duhon was also dismissed late last year, as was a theft charge against former plumbing supervisor Leonard Kemper.


Wilson, who supervised Duhon and Kemper, was fired by school trustees in May, 1983, after state and federal investigators began looking into allegations that he had received favors--principally a hunting trip to South Dakota--from a school district paving contractor. However, Wilson was ultimately indicted on charges of stealing a generator. But prosecutor Healey said that grand theft charge was dismissed after a judge concluded that the 10-year-old piece of equipment was not worth $400--the legal minimum for grand theft.
